Signup Information

The information collected on this page will help us to ensure that our study includes the perspectives from the full range backcountry recreationists.

Winter Backcountry Experience & Practices

You do not need to be an expert to partake in our study. In fact, we are particularly interested in the perspective of individuals who only just recently began to go into the backcountry or only go on a few backcountry trips each winter.

Which winter backcountry activity do you associate the most with? *

Please check the appropriate option.

Mountain snowmobile riding
Backcountry skiing/snowboarding
Out-of-bounds skiing/snowboarding
Ice climbing

Overall, how much experience do you have in all your recreational winter backcountry activities combined? *

Please select the appropriate option in each column.

Number of winters Average number of days per winter
Last winter was my first winter
2-5 winters
6-10 winters
11-20 winters
More than 20 winters
1-2 days per winter
3-10 days per winter
11-20 days per winter
21-50 days per winter
More than 50 days per winter
What is the highest level of avalanche awareness training you have completed? *

Please select one of the following options.

I have not completed any formal avalanche safety training.
Free avalanche awareness seminar
(approx. 3 hrs)
Classroom component of an introductory avalanche awareness course
(e.g., Avalanche Canada AST1; only classroom component)
Complete introductory avalanche awareness course with a field day
(e.g., Avalanche Canada AST 1; complete 2-day course)
Advanced avalanche awareness course
(e.g., Avalanche Canada AST 2; approx. 4-day course)
Professional level avalanche training
(e.g., CAA ITP Level 1 or higher)
In what year did you complete your highest level of formal avalanche awareness training? *

Please enter the year your highest level course even if it is just approximate.

Which of the following statements best describes your use of avalanche bulletins when planning a backcountry trip? *

Please select one of the following options.

It is not typical for me to consult avalanche bulletin information when making my backcountry travel plans.
I typically use the forecast to check the danger rating which informs my decision of whether or not it’s safe to travel in the backcountry.
I typically combine the danger rating from the forecast with knowledge of how avalanche prone an area is to determine where to travel in the backcountry.
I typically make a decision about where or when to go based on the nature of the avalanche problem conditions reported in the forecast and whether I feel that I can manage my travel in the terrain given these conditions.
I typically use the available information about the specific nature of the avalanche problem conditions from the forecast as a starting point for my continuous assessment in the field to confirm or disconfirm the information where I am travelling.
It is not typical for me to consult public avalanche bulletins or forecasts because I have access to professional information sources (e.g., InfoEx) that offer more detailed insight into current conditions.
Briefly describe two or three of your typical backcountry trip destinations.

Examples are 'Snowshoeing on Cypress', 'Backcountry skiing on Seymour', 'Out-of-bounds skiing in Whistler' or 'Backcountry skiing on the Duffy'.

What tends to be your decision-making role in the groups you typically go onto these backcountry trips with?

Please check the appropriate option.

I am the primary decision-maker in the group.
I am part of a small number of individuals who make the decision together.
Everybody in our group contributes to the decisions equally.
I speak up when I have concerns, but I mostly leave the decision-making to others.
I leave the decision-making up to others.

Personal Background

It is important to us that our study captures a wide range of perspectives. The following questions help us to put together a diverse sample of participants where many voices are represented. Click here to learn more about the personal backgrounds of the research team members.

Which of the following age categories describes you? *

Please select one of the following options.

Under 20
20 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 or over

Which gender do you identify with? *

Please check the appropriate option.

Gender-fluid, non-binary, and/or Two-Spirit
Prefer to self-describe:
Prefer not to say

Optional - Is there any other personal information or personal identifiers that you would like to share with us?

Enter any information you feel is relevant into the text box.

Contact Information

The following information is collected so that we can contact you if you are chosen as a participant for this study.

What is the best email address to reach you at? *

Please check the spelling of your email address to make sure it is correct.

Where is your primary residence? *

Please select the appropriate options.

Province/State: (only if you live in Canada or the USA)
What is your first name? *

Please enter your name. We will only use your name when contacting you by email.